How to distinguish the quality of Tieguanyin?

When purchasing Tieguanyin, we should pay attention to some related purchasing notes so as to distinguish the quality of Tieguanyin.

How to distinguish the quality of Tieguanyin?-

  • Observe: Observethe appearance of Tieguanyin.

Good appearance influences the taste and edibles value of Tieguanyin. When observing Tieguanyin, we should pay attention to some nutrients inside, for example, whether there is “white frost” in Tieguanyin tea. If it is fresh tea, Tieguanyin itself is green in color, but if it is already withered tea, it will present a withered and yellow state.

How to distinguish the quality of Tieguanyin?-

  • Smell: Smell the aroma of Tieguanyin.

Before brewing, we can first smell the aroma of Tieguanyin. Generally, if the aroma of the tea is more lasting, after brewing, it is guaranteed that the tea with stronger aroma is a good Tieguanyin tea.
How to distinguish the quality of Tieguanyin?-


  •  Feel: Feel Tieguanyin with our hands.

If Tieguanyin feels relatively light or has a certain prickly hand feeling, this type of Tieguanyin is not fresh enough, but if Tieguanyin tea has certain weight but is not too heavy, generally, this kind of tea will taste very fresh when brewed.
How to distinguish the quality of Tieguanyin?-