The first infusion has a striking and unmistakably distinctive flower fragrance.
The color of the infusion is clear and bright gold. Its flavor is nothing short of pleasurable: sweet, super fine and long-lasting. Even the aftertaste of this organic hand-rolled oolong is sweet and refreshing. After three or four infusions with the organic Iron Goddess, you’ll likely begin to understand and embrace the concept of what it means to get “tea drunk”!
The processing of Tieguanyin tea is complex and requires expertise. Even if the tea leaf is of high raw quality and is plucked at the ideal time, if it is not processed correctly, its true character will not be shown. This is why the method of processing Tieguanyin tea was kept a secret.
- plucking tea leaves (採青)
- sun withering (晒青)
- cooling (晾青)
- tossing (搖青)
- withering, this includes some oxidation. (萎凋)
- fixation (殺青)
- rolling (揉捻)
- drying (烘乾
After drying some teas go through the added processes of roasting and scenting.

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