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New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
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New craft white tea, called new white tea for short, is sun-withered and produced by light rolling on the basis of white tea processing craft. This is an organic white tea from Fuding County, custom-crafted for us using a new high-oxidation method that intensifies sweetness and depth. This new process increased the degree of enzymatic oxidation, and created a tea that is darker, richer, and more complex than the original. It is made from tea shoots of Fuding White tea and Fuding Pekoe, less demanding on tenderness.

Traditional white tea is only oxidized to 5%, whereas new craft white tea takes oxidation above 30%, a bit similar o Black Tea taste. The resulting leaves take on a beautiful mottle of green and autumnal reds and oranges, and the brewed liquor is decidedly more golden than the muted beige of traditional white tea.

【Name】: New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea
【Origin】: Fujian,China
【SKU】: ORT09
【Altitude】: 600M above sea
【Harvest Time】: Spring
【Dried Leaves】: Twistydark green and brown leaves, combined with wire-like, furry white shoots
【Infusion】: Orange yellow, bright
【Taste】: Mellow and sweet
【Aroma】: Sweet, Flowery
【Brewed Tealeaves】: Soft leaves, good fermentation
【Shelf Life】: 15 Years under Dry, Dark and No Odor Conditions.


Product Details

1.Dry Tea:Twisty dark green and brown leaves, combined with wire-like, furry white shoots


New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea-

  1. Tea Infusion:The infusion color is orange yellow, bright, pekoe fragrant, with a bit of honey after taste,Mellow and sweet

New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea-


3.Brewed Tea leaves:The brewed tea leaves color is green and brown, soft, sign of good oxidation.

New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea-





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New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea-





Tea plant growth environment: originated from the raw materials of Taimu Mountain, the core origin of Fuding white tea,

The altitude of the high mountain tea plantation is about 500-800 meters, the annual average sunshine is 1840 hours, the annual average precipitation is 1661.6, the annual average temperature is 18.5℃, and the tea tree growth environment is good.

New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea-


Traditional picking is precious: Fuding, Fujian has been producing tea since ancient times, so there are communities of ancient tea trees. Fuding Dabai tea is transplanted and bred from the original ancient tea trees and is an excellent tea species. Tea pickers pick fresh leaves by hand, and then manually screen them to eliminate those that do not meet the standards. Tens of thousands of fresh leaves are made only for one catty.

New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea- New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea-


Traditional craftsmanship: select high-quality raw materials, using traditional sun and withering craftsmanship

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The new technology white tea is made according to the white tea processing technology and added with light rolling after withering.

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Keep traditional craftsmanship, dry at low temperature

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New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea-



We use the new craft to make white tea into White Cui Mei.

White Cui Mei is a white tea variety made from Bai Mu Dan of China's Fujian province with special fermentation techniques. Cui Mei meaning “emerald eyebrow” in Mandarin (in a poetic sort of way, like a beautiful women’s eyebrow), is a mix of broken silver leaves, delicate slender leaves, with mesmerizing bright emerald and lighter flecked brown leaves.


At first glance, the dry leaves look in disarray and seem to exude identification issues as the mix of leaves is quite diverse. While many teas are uniform in appearance, shape, and colour, Bai Cui Mei is an inquisitive mix of elongated and twisty brown/grey leaves, combined with wire-like, furry white shoots.


It is a fragrant and full white tea with similarities to Bai Mu Dan, and the character of a lighter Darjeeling. The broken leaves provide a bold flavor, yet it has the classic true white tea subtly. You will enjoy the rich sweetness, and woodsy chestnut-like aroma with light floral top notes that are bold, yet balanced and beautifully unique.

New craft white tea, called new white tea for short, is sun-withered and produced by light rolling on the basis of white tea processing craft. This is an organic white tea from Fuding County, custom-crafted for us using a new high-oxidation method that intensifies sweetness and depth. This new process increased the degree of enzymatic oxidation, and created a tea that is darker, richer, and more complex than the original. It is made from tea shoots of Fuding White tea and Fuding Pekoe, less demanding on tenderness.


Traditional white tea is only oxidized to 5%, whereas new craft white tea takes oxidation above 30%. The resulting leaves take on a beautiful mottle of green and autumnal reds and oranges, and the brewed liquor is decidedly more golden than the muted beige of traditional white tea.

New craft white tea leaves are slightly shrunk and curly, dull green with auburn color, emitting clean aroma and heavy smell. Liquid resembles that of green tea but lacks faint scent, and black tea without fermentation taste; it is mellow, clean and sweet. It is popular for its curly leaves and strong taste.

New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea-



Health Benefits

White Tea Antioxidants

Cancer Prevention

Lower Blood Pressure

Lower Cholesterol

Heart Protection

Stronger Bones

Antibacterial & Antiviral

Healthy Teeth and Gums

Healthy Skin


Preparation Methods:

  1. Put 3-4g the White Peony Tea into a glass;
    Pour into the glass 100ml 100°C water;
    3. Brew for 15 seconds for the first brewing, longer time for the following brewing;
    4. The White Peony Tea stands up to fourbrewing.New Craft Bai Cui Mei White Tea-
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