ORT218-Jasmine Xiang Hao Green Tea
ORT218-Jasmine Xiang Hao Green Tea
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Our exquisite Jasmine Xiang hao green tea leaves makes for the finest brews infused with natural jasmine blossoms. Fresh loose leaf green tea leaves, plucked from tea bushes high up in Taimu Mountain in Fujian Province renowned for tea production with many varieties of high quality green and white teas grown there, are processed into high-quality green tea.

ORT218-Jasmine Xiang Hao Green Tea-

【Name】:Jasmine Xiang Hao Green Tea/Moli Hua Cha
【Origin】: Fujian,China/Guangxi,China
【SKU】: ORT218
【Altitude】: 500M above sea
【Process】: Process of tea leaves: Withering-First drying-Selecting-Reheating

Preparation of jasmine flower: Cooling-Curing-Sieving

Mixing of green tea leaves with jasmine flower: Ventilation-Separate the flower-First scenting-Second scenting-Third scenting-Repeat scenting

【Harvest Time】: Spring
【Dried Leaves】: Twisted strips Green tea with some jasmine petals
【Infusion】:Pale golden yellow
【Taste】: Great balance of jasmine flavour and green tea refreshing taste
【Aroma】: Sweet, Strong jasmine fragrance
【Brewed Tea Leaves】: Tender young leaves and yellow color
【Shelf Life】: Two Years,Store in cool, dry place away from sunlight; keep ventilated

Product Details

1.The appearance is thin, tight and straight ,yellow and green in color

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2. The Infusion is bright yellow and green, with a fresh floral fragrance, a mellow taste and a strong tea fragrance

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 3.Tender and soft, with a long-lasting fragrance   

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Fresh From Origin

Fujian province is one of China's most prolific tea producing areas. These teas account for one-fifth of China's total tea output, and the consistently high quality keeps them in demand. A coastal province (Taiwan lies just to the east, across the Taiwan Strait), Fujian benefits from an excellent climate, combining mild temperatures, abundant rainfall, and a very mountainous terrain. The misty mountain scenery is a mainstay of traditional Chinese art. In fact, the traditional description of Fujian is '8 parts mountain, 1 part water and 1 part farmland.' Fujian has a long history of cultivating tea: over 1,000 years.

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ORT218-Jasmine Xiang Hao Green Tea-


Selected high-quality green tea and jasmine bud, using multiple scenting technology, strong fragrance, long tea flavor.


The process of scenting has several steps: Combining tea and jasmine flowers, Piling, Baking, Cooling, and Binning.

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Jasmine come from jasmine garden in Guangxi


The jasmine used to scent this tea originates from Guangxi, where it has earned its reputation nationwide. Hengxian, known as the City of Chinese Jasmine, is the most notable area of production - and earned its name for its ability to produce jasmine flowers of both high yield and high quality.

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When late summer comes around, the green tea is transported to Heng xian County, of Guangxi Province, where scenting with Jasmine flowers takes place. The green tea is laid beneath a bed of fresh and aromatic jasmine flowers in order to absorb the wonderful scent of the jasmine flowers.

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Seven times scenting and one time scenting with flowers of richer fragrance

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This scenting process is repeated with fresh jasmine flowers a total of 6 to 7times. Each time requires adding around 1 kg of fresh flowers. Each scenting process takes 6 to 7 hours. This highly-involved process requires around 3.5 kg of fresh Silver Needle tea leaves and 6 kg of jasmine flowers to produce 1kg of Jasmine Tea.

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ORT218-Jasmine Xiang Hao Green Tea-

ORT218-Jasmine Xiang Hao Green Tea-


Our exquisite Jasmine Xiang hao green tea leaves makes for the finest brews infused with natural jasmine blossoms. Fresh loose leaf green tea leaves, plucked from tea bushes high up in Taimu Mountain in Fujian Province renowned for tea production with many varieties of high quality green and white teas grown there, are processed into high-quality green tea.


The long and thinly shaped leaves yield a pale golden liquor with a fresh floral flavor and unmistakable jasmine aroma. With a floral aroma and refreshing taste, the green tea holds on to its wonderful light character even while the leaves unfurl releasing their jasmine scent that only hovers above the tea, without overpowering its taste. This aromatic jasmine scented green tea is the best way to begin the day, with low tea caffeine, and good for health.


You may also like our Jasmine Xiang hao tea & jasmine pearls tea(Molihua Cha), which contains the same jasmine green tea benefits, but of higher grade.

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Scented green tea has a history stretching back over a thousand years, to the first innovation of adding spices and flowers to tea during the Song Dynasty around 960 AD. During the Ming Dynasty in the 1500s, the modern method wherein flowers are added to the tea prior to drying was introduced; however, at this time jasmine tea was quite rare, due to the complexities of the steps needed. Then during the mid-1800s in the Qing Dynasty, the production methods were perfected and as a result the number of tea farms rapidly increased, leading to higher volumes and lower prices. This in turn led to a surge in popularity, which the tea has retained to this day.



Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea:

1.For Cardiovascular Heart

  1. Ideal for Insomniacs
  2. For Psychological Health
  3. Prevents Cancer
  4. For Digestive System
  5. 6. Boosts Immune System
  6. 7. For Weight loss,Youthful Skin
  7. 8. Prevents Cough and Cold


The health benefits of jasmine tea are wondrous like its fragrance. They can surely do wonder for your health but don’t forget that every remedy works best in moderation.



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