The most importan 4 benefits of drinking tea !

 Tea is known as a "natural nutritious beverage ", which contains nearly 500 kinds of components, mainly tea polyphenols, caffeine, amino acids, vitamins and so on, which play a good health care role in the metabolic coordination of human body.

The most importan 4 benefits of drinking tea !-

Polyphenols: a natural oxidant

The most abundant and widely-studied substance in tea is tea polyphenols. Tea polyphenols can eliminate harmful free radicals so as to achieve the anti-oxidation, anti-cancer, anti-aging effects, and also has the cholesterol reduction, vascular sclerosis inhibition, antibacterial and bactericidal efficacy.

The most importan 4 benefits of drinking tea !-

Alkaloids: Refreshing oneself and resisting fatigue

Tea mainly contains three kinds of alkaloids, namely caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, wherein caffeine can refresh oneself, has the cardiotonic and diuretic effects, can eliminate fatigue and is also an important part for forming tea taste.

The most importan 4 benefits of drinking tea !-

0Amino acids: a natural tranquilizer

There are dozens of amino acids in tea, especially theanine. Theanine is known as a "natural tranquilizer". if you drink tea properly, it will also have a calming and soothing effect.

The most importan 4 benefits of drinking tea !-

Vitamins: improving immunity

Tea is rich in vitamins, which can almost completely dissolve in tea infusion and can mostly be absorbed by human body. Vitamins can improve human immunity, resist oxidation, promote collagen synthesis and so on, very beneficial to human body.

The most importan 4 benefits of drinking tea !-
