Top grade Tieguanyin all shares this feature

A tea lover told us that his friend sent him a box of Tieguanyin, which his friend said, was of very high quality and was obviously “sand green with white frost”. What is behind it? Is “sand green with white frost” a sign of good Tieguanyin?

Actually, this tea lover's friend is right. Good Tieguanyin does have a clear sign --- "sand green with white frost".

Top grade Tieguanyin all shares this feature-

Let's first go with “sand green”. National standard of Tieguanyin <GB/T19598-2006> states that super-grade, first-grade and second-grade Tieguanyin tea has a rigid requirement that the Tieguanyin tea must be " obviously sand green". Here it exactly refers to the color of dry tea of Tieguanyin, which has a frosted green texture.

Top grade Tieguanyin all shares this feature-

Next, let's talk about “white frost”. I believe everyone has eaten persimmon cakes. When eating persimmon cakes, you may notice that almost all persimmon cakes are covered with a layer of "white frost".

Top grade Tieguanyin all shares this feature-

Good superior Tieguanyin tea is also covered with a layer of "white frost".

First of all, this shows that Tieguanyin contains very rich substances, especially caffeine and has a much more mellow taste.

Second, Tieguanyin with white frost always means that the work of baking is in place, because high or low temperature carbon baking is not liable to generate frost. High temperature easily leads to vaporization of caffeine, while low temperature hinders crystal precipitation. In addition, Tieguanyin with white frost can hardly return to green and can be easier to store.

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Again, when Tieguanyin with white frost is brewed, the water contains the fragrance, blending into one harmonious whole, so the taste is very comfortable and is strong and mellow even after seven infusions.

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Therefore, Tieguanyin which is “sand green with white frost” has tight and fat shape and sand green and oily color and lustre. After it is brewed, the strong fragrance will greet us, the flavor will left in our mouth and lips for a long time, one can feels its smoothness and sweetness going down to the throat, with long-lasting sweet aftertaste. The tea still smells sweet even after 7 infusions. Tieguanyin which is “sand green with white frost” is the best in Tieguanyin.

However, this grade of Tieguanyin has very high requirements for raw materials and technology.

Top grade Tieguanyin all shares this feature-

1.Strict green tea leaf picking standard

Preferred green tea leaves for this grade of Tieguanyin should be from the tea tree species of pure Hongxin (red heart) Tieguanyin, that is, Hongxin Waiweitao, which is the symbol of pure Tieguanyin.

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The final Tieguanyin tea has obvious orchid fragrance and pure Guanyin charm. And Hongxin Tieguanyin is delicate in nature and has very low viability since ancient times. Therefore, it has very high requirements for soil, climate and ecology, and tea farmers often need to replant the tea plants.

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In addition, green tea leaves need to be hand-picked, and the picking standard should be one bud with two leaves. The picking time should be within nine o'clock in the morning to four o' clock in the afternoon, and must not be on rainy days or cloudy days, otherwise it will affect the quality of fresh leaves and eventually make the tea fragrance insufficient.

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2. Exquisite tea processing technology

In addition to the high requirements for green tea leaves, tea processing is a great test to the technology of tea craftsman.

For example, during tea processing, fresh leaves must be fully dried. In order to avoid insufficient drying, in the fresh leaf shaking process, the fresh leaves much be shaken for enough times, which can make the tea fragrance cleaner and more strong.

There are also very high requirements in the drying process. The temperature can not be too high or too low, but should be just right to let caffeine slowly precipitate and finally form a layer of crystalline "white frost".

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We should also pay attention to control over the oxidation process of green tea leaves during the fine manipulation of green tea leaves to make the aroma substances with high boiling point accumulated to finally form the characteristics of Tieguanyin of being fresh, fragrant and strong.

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Therefore, when encountering Tieguanyin which is "sand green with white frost", remember to cherish it and slowly experience its wonderful charm of "sweet aftertaste even after 7 infusions"!
